Weighty Matters

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Security Conscious

on August 20, 2015

No, I didn’t actually fall off the face of the earth.  I was away on vacation.  In the past, I’ve either said that I was going away or I’ve pre-written and scheduled posts so that new things would magically appear and nobody would know that I wasn’t sitting here creating the content that same day.

Honest to goodness, I was busy as all get-out for the week before I left.  There was no time to write posts, unfortunately.  That I didn’t pre-inform that I was going has a lot to do with the this post’s title.  I wanted to be more security conscious and not tip off people that I wasn’t going to be around. I know that 99% of the people who read this blog are wonderful, supportive, and not trolling the internet to look for places to rob.  It’s the 1%, probably less than 1%, who are strangers with possible nefarious intent.

Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean someone isn’t out to get you!  🙂

Lately, I find that as I get older, I am beginning to feel more vulnerable.  It’s not that I’ve been a blindly trusting Pollyanna all of my life.  I employ a really healthy amount of common sense and take secure measures to protect myself, my home, and my belongings.  However, I have come to believe that I will be better served if that healthy amount becomes even healthier.

Facts are facts.  I’m older.  I’m single.  I live alone.  Although I know that I am extremely capable and employ good situational awareness to avoid potentially risky situations/scenarios, that’s my view from the inside looking out.  I have begun to feel some degree of concern that other people might perceive me differently — as older, not as strong or capable.  As, well, vulnerable.

There’s some irony at work here.  I’m in the best physical shape of my life and, at heart, I still think I’m a tough Jersey girl, but still… I worry sometimes.

However, I am not worrying myself into a state of complete paranoia or constant concern.  I’ve identified how I feel and, as is my frequent m.o., am making a plan with concrete steps.  I want to be more secure and there are ways to achieve this for my actual safety as well as my peace of mind.

So, not blasting out on this blog when I’m not going to be around is a security conscious step.  Making sure that when I do go away the house is locked up and that someone I trust is keeping an eye on things.  I’m contacting a security company for an evaluation to upgrade existing protection measures not only for my house but also for my boat.

I’m not at the point where I want a handgun, but I sure wouldn’t mind taking a self-defense class for women.  I have several little things that also help in a myriad of ways.  There’s a flashlight in my handbag at all times.  I also have a little flashlight on my key chain.  I bought a piece of equipment that stays in my car.  It’s a battery charger and an air compressor so that I don’t need someone else or another car if my battery dies or if I have a flatter tire.  It will also charge up my cell phone if I need it too.

No matter where I go or what parking lot I pull into, I always look around before I unlock my car and get out.  I also never ever park next to a van.  As much as I love to drive with my convertible top down, I realize that it just isn’t safe for me to do so after dark.  So, for the sake of safety, the top is up when the sun is down.

These are all fairly easy things to implement, but they’re effective.  Not only do they enhance my safety, they make me feel better, more secure.  I’m not blase and I don’t take any of it for granted.  I’m just trying to stay aware and conscious of doing what I need to do to protect myself.

4 responses to “Security Conscious

  1. Susanne says:

    Hi there,

    All these security precautions are just plain smart. The battery charger/compressor sounds like a good idea. I should look into it.

    I live in the city, and I never drive anywhere without making sure my vehicle is locked while I’m driving.

    I’m shocked at how people post pictures of their houses, their kids, and give out so much personal information. We love hearing about you, Mary, but not to the point where it compromises your safety.

    Hope the holiday was restful, or at least crazy busy fun 🙂

  2. Anonymous says:

    Welcome back Mary. I hope you had a wonderful trip. I was growing a little concerned about you. You know how I worry. :>) Smart measures you are taking for your safety. I hope all is going well with you and your fur babbies. All is smooth here. There may be a change coming my way and I will keep you posted. Good thoughts as always to you.
    Love Holly

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